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-Covid-19 Rapid Test Kits 
-infrared Thermometers
-ECG Electrodes
-Bili Constant Phototherapy Blanket led
-Bili Check
-Bilirubin meter
-Finger Pulse (oximeters)


-Two way radios

-Binoculars, Monoculars

-Fearnought Diving Suits


-Invision Ear Molds


General Goods

-Occupational Therapy Items
-Disposable Diapers Premature size
-Surgical masks
-Thermal Transfer Ribbon

Authorised Reseller


ARMOR is a French group with sites throughout the world, whose ICP division designs and manufactures inked films used in Thermal Transfer technology.

This technology isfor marking bar codes, logos, use-by dates or other batch information on labels or flexible packaging.

Hanna Instruments

Hanna Instruments is a leading manufacturer of meters for pH, EC, TDS, ORP (Redox), dissolved oxygen, temperature, humidity, dew point, fertigation systems, turbidity and chemical oxygen demand.

All HANNA products are in compliance with CE directives and our production facilities are ISO 9001 certified