Covid 19 Health Care
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Covid-19 Test Rapid
Every test must be performed under strict regulations and by a medical proffessional ONLY. This precaution is due to SAHPRA rules & regulations and for the safety of the public itself.
Serological testing detects the presence of antibodies, not the presence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This testing is also not to be used to diagnose. The immune response to a virus involves the creation of different types of antibodies produced at different stages of an infection:
Early antibodies,called igM antibodies,provides the first indication of the body’s response to an infection. These antibodies are not as specific and generally are not as long lasting,so interpreting their significance requires clinic experience.
IgG antibodies are specific to a virus, such as the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Early research results suggest these antibodies can be reliably detected 14 days after a person is infected with CoVID-19.
The relationship between antibodies and immunity to infection with SARS-CoV is still unknown. It is unclear whether people with antibodies are immune to re-infection or if they still infectious to others . Also, antibodies are present for an undetermined period of time after an infection has ended. For the above reasons, serological test results should be interpreted with caution.
SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Test Strip is a rapid test to accurately detect IgM and IgG antibodies against the Covid-19 virus within 20 minutes in human blood.

Rapid Detection &
Simple Operation
The novel virus, now known as SARS-CoV-2 (also known as COVID-19 or 2019-nCoV), a RNA virus of the beta coronavirus family. IgG-IgM combined antibody test is suitable for rapid diagnosis and screening of the large amount of suspected patients and asymptomatic carriers to prevent secondary transmission and assure timely treatment of infections.
Rapid Antibody CoV-2 IgM/IgG Test Kit:SAHPRA Approved
Target Population
The test is SAHPRA approved and got a 99.03% sensitivity and a 100% specificity. Please note that these tests are ONLY for sale to registered medical professional or entities with a Class D IVD License from SAHPRA. Test Kits are not for distribution to the public and/or for re-sale to the public. Every test must be performed under strict regulations and by a medical professional ONLY.This precaution part of SAHPRA rules & regulations and for the safety of the public itself.
Individual that may have recovered from suspected or confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection or may have previously developed an asymptomatic infection.